If you are involved in education life, you may have heard the names PSC, JSC, JDC, SSC HSC BCS, BBA, and GPA at least a few times.


PSC, JSC, JDC, SSC, HSC, BCS, GPA Full Meaning

If you are involved in education life, you may have heard the names PSC, JSC, JDC, SSC HSC BCS, BBA, and GPA at least a few times. Learn about SSC full meaning, PSC full meaning, JSC full meaning, JDC full meaning, HSC full meaning, BCS full meaning. GPA full meaning.

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PSC full Meaning

JSC full meaning

JDC full meaning:

SSC full meaning

HSC full meaning

BCS full Meaning

BBA full meaning

GPA full meaning.

PSC full meaning

At the very beginning when you face an exam from class one to 5, there is usually a PSC exam we all know.

PSC full meaning - "Primary School Certificate"

JSC full meaning

You will need to start studying for the Junior School Certificate when you have just finished your Primary School Certificate (PSC).

And then you will hear about a kind of exam called JSC exam. The exact meaning of which you may not know before.

JSC full Meaning: Junior School Certificate which means “Junior School Certificate”.

JDC full meaning:

If you are studying with the Madrasa Board and you want to pass it to your junior level with education then you have to hear the name of an exam called JDC exam.

JDC full meaning: - “Junior Dakhil Certificate

SSC full meaning

When you have just finished the Junior School Certificate stage, you will have to face the last exam of school life i.e. SSC exam.

And the full form of this exam is ssc full meaning: Secondary School Certificate which means “Bangla means Secondary School Certificate”.

SSC Full Meaning: "Secondary School Certificate"

HSC full meaning

Two years after passing the SSC exam, you have to face the final board exam. The test we know as HSC.

HSC full Meaning: “Higher Secondary Certificate"

BCS full Meaning

The BCS exam may be the only exam-free exam in Bangladesh. So that as soon as you pass, your name will sit in the place of a job in Bangladesh.

There are many people who are willing to take this test but do not know what it really means, then find out what BCS Meaning is.

BCS full Meaning: “Bangladesh Civil Service”

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BBA full meaning

What is the full form of bba - If you are a student of degree, it is very important to know what BBA means or its full form. Because many of us are enrolled in BBA course but I don't know what is the full name of BBA or what it means.


BBA is an honorary degree. This is a three year course. After passing SSC and HSC, students are admitted for degree. BBA is an important course in the degree. So let's find out what does BBA mean?

BBA is a 03 years course. This course has a full meaning. Now we will discuss this BBA degree course. But What is the full form of BBA?

BBA full meaning: "Bachelor of Business Administration"

What does BPSC full meaning?

Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC) is responsible for the recruitment of civil service servants in Bangladesh.

GPA full Meaning

GPA means grade point average. GPA is followed from 0 to 4.0 or 5.0. In our education system Grading System in SSC and HSC GPA up to 5. And in the case of higher education, the maximum GPA is up to 4.0

Thus, the GPA is a number that indicates how many points you earned on average in your course. In most varsities, each semester, you will receive a GPA based on the grades you have achieved in all your classes during that semester.

Some of the more important GPAs are:

  • Google Point Average
  • Guam Power Authority
  • Grid Processor Architecture
  • General Purpose Application
  • Graphics Performance Accelerator
  • Green Point Average
  • General Purpose Amplifier

Then hopefully you will never have to suffer from complications related to the meaning of PSC, JSC, JDC, SSC HSC BCS, BBA, and GPA.



Many of us may not know what these few words actually mean. Again, there are many who, despite being HSC level students, still cannot say HSC meaning correctly.

For example, if someone asks you if you have studied so far, what is the meaning of PSC?

At this point, if you can't answer the question of that little brother, sister or elder, how much would you feel inferior to that man?

Maybe it will be the cause of your lie for the rest of your life. Isn't it better to learn PSC, JSC, JDC, SSC, HSC, BCS, BBA, GPA Full Meaning before you face all these bad situations?

Of course good then you never have to face any bad situation, no need to question your academic life. Then don't delay and see the things mentioned above now.

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